Polysemy testing

I would classify sense 3 (moku1) as simply being sense 4 (moku2) without specifying the object
In addition, sense 2 (moku0?) could take the transitive form "X turns Y into food".
Anyway, I would understand primarily "mi moku e pan" as "I eat the bread", and not the other transitive form "I turn the bread into food" because the bread already is food.
For "mi moku e kasi", I would be inclined to interpret it as the plant already being cooked, but I can see "I make the plant edible (i.e. by cooking it)". However, I would use "seli" for "to cook" instead.
For the variants with two objects, I see them as being the same verb applied to both, e.g. "I eat the bread and the (implied to be cooked) plant". Assuming the kasi isn't already cooked, then none of the English translations fit the Toki Pona text, as "pan e kasi" and "kasi e linja" both would need two different verbs, and "pan e linja" is eating both of them.

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