Request language tags or categories here!

Language tag requests

You may request a tag for a language not already listed in the All tags page in this topic. Larger or active languages may be given their own category if there is an active community on the forum that would use this category.


There are two main kinds of language tags, each corresponding to one of the two language categories:

  • Established conlangs
    • For established, known languages with a fairly complete refgram, lexicon, and at least some users.
    • Used for languages in the Conlangs > Other category.
    • See its about topic for more information.
  • Emerging conlangs
    • For new conlangs and conlangs still under active development.
    • Used for languages in the Workshop > Conlanging category.
    • See its about topic for more information.


Established conlangs

To request a tag for an established conlang, make a post here stating as such. Use the following form as a guide for your request:

# Request for existing conlang tag:
- **Language**: Latejami
- **Tag**: `latejami`
- **Description**: An attempt at a machine translation interlingua originally published in 1995
- **Example**:
  - **Text:** omwe! Tamenu  ximunza xevi botimi?
  - **Gloss**: interrog  have  you  boat
  - **Translation**: Say there!  Did you have the boat?
- **Resources**:
    - Links to existing documentation
    - E.g. [Refgram](

Here are some guidelines (not rules!) to consider before requesting an existing language tag. The language should

  • have at least a small community with some level of activity or use.
  • be complete enough to use for standard or everyday conversation.
  • not be a joke or joke-adjacent language.
  • have some support from its creator, if applicable or reasonable.

Emerging conlangs

To request a tag for an emerging conlang, make a post here stating as such. Use the following form as a guide for your request:

# Request for workshop language tag:
- **Language**: Bawkalm
- **Tag**: `bawkalm`
- **Description**: Small lojban inspired language built around cases and chaining.
- **Thread**: [Bawkalm](

The requirements for emerging languages are far less stringent. The language should have

  • an existing thread in Workshop > Conlanging.
  • at least some interest.
  • at least two threads about it. (no need for a tag for only one topic!)

Category requests

Categories are larger, more distinct from tags, and give more organization to a language. If you are a significant member or creator of a language, you may request a specific category for the language. Categories will infrequently be created as they may create clutter if the category isn’t adequately used.

Requesting a category does not require a specific process like requesting a tag, but the guidelines are far more strict. These guidelines are the same as the tag guidelines, but with higher standards, such as a larger community and more activity in use and development.

If you feel that a language could use its own category, let us know here with a free-form explanation for why it should have its own category.

I would like to request a tag for collaborative languages, since I tend to prefer group projects.

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Done !

VuĆŁot manvĂą xafömfĂȘ ro!
He wields his thanks to you!

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Request for existing conlang tag:

  • Language: Ithkuil
  • Tag: ithkuil
  • Description: An experimental engineered language designed to communicate the intricacies of cognition as precisely as possible
  • Example:
    • Text: Yalzatı’a ansgaltu guçtulddıwĂĄ
    • Gloss: S1-PRX-‘pond’-DCD/1-LOC S1-‘duck’-ASO.MSS-IND S1-‘ambulate’-DYN-CRC/9-ASO.PRX-PRG-OBS
    • Translation: [I observe that] a flock of ducks is [presently] swimming around [in a long-period epicyclical path] in this pond [near me]
  • Resources:


How about an âŸȘin-language⟫ ⁓ âŸȘin-conlang⟫ tag?
Currently threads in conlangs are tagged with any of âŸȘno-english-allowed⟫, âŸȘenglish-discouraged⟫, âŸȘenglish-ok⟫, so you have to check all of these tags separately.


I like this idea, but I’m not quite sure exactly what you mean. Do you want to replace the english-only tag, or add a tag ? Would this be a per language tag ?

I was suggesting a new tag; the idea being to use âŸȘin-conlang⟫ together with e.g. the Toaq or Lojban category, as a further filter, so as to see only the channels/posts in Toaq or Lojban etc, and without having a plethora of new tags like âŸȘin-Toaq⟫, âŸȘin-Lojban⟫ 


Got it. I like that. Do you see this as being different than the no-english-allowed tag, or would it replace that tag ? (Sorry, I misspoke) If it’s a supplement to to no-english-allowed, how would it differ ?

With the proposed tag, there would be a single tag for in-conlang threads; for filtering with the english-something tags, you have to check out three different tags.

Added the in-conlang tag. This can be added to any topic with an associated constructed language where discussion in that language is expected and encouraged. For example, one can select the tags in-conlang and toki-pona to see diescussions in Toki Pona.

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@selxehe If we created a category for Ithkuil, would folks actually use it ? Would there be a volunteer to moderate it ? A moderator would need to be trustworthy and well versed in the language since neither of the admins speak it with any proficiency. We would also ask them to write a description and specific rule set for the category like Lojban’s.

I thought tags were per Category? So Lojban posts could only select tags under the Lojban category, etc.
Or does that not work because they’re (jbo/qtq/tp) all subcategories?

Depends on how many people from the Ithkuil discord come to this forum

I’d like there to be a presence for Ithkuil before a category is made to prevent category bloat. I think a tag for Other would be the best bet for now

I agree. I could maybe advertise CFS on uhaılalepĆĄ to get an established maıƣƙëullaıtöçna presence here. Should a category eventually end up being made, I volunteer as moderator as I speak it with enough proficiency to effectively moderate.

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I recall how in the WordReference forums, there was a section for other languages, and when a same language had a sufficiently prominent presence in the section’s posts, a dedicated section was created for it.
The same could be done here, e.g. people would create Ithkuil threads/posts in an Other Conlangs section, and if ever it turns out there are frequent posts about Ithkuil, a section would be dedicated to it.


Yep, same concept here. I detailed this in the hosting conlangs on CFS guide in the information directory.

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