A proper introduction from a certain cat

Hello everyone! I go by several names, generally go by Luna in English (she/her). I like languages (clearly). I started off when I was young with making various scripts for English (they were 1-to-1 A-Z, but still). I've made one conlang that I'm okay with, even though it ended up looking a lot like Japanese on a surface level. But hey, at least its grammar is simple enough.

The first public conlang that I ever interacted with was Esperanto, and while I didn't ever fully learn to speak it, it was still kinda fun.

Then I saw jan Misali's video on Viossa and decided to join that. So Viossa is currently the only conlang that I can speak conversationally (although due to dialectal variation, I cannot understand other people's spoken Viossa). I think the reason I can speak it conversationally is that one is forced to learn it entirely through immersion. Translation isn't even an option --- it is against the rules.

Eventually, I also found Toki Pona and Toaq. And yes, I capitalise Toki Pona, but only in English. Don't @ me. I can form basic Toki Pona sentences, but I'm not very good at simplifying thoughts. As for Toaq, I know the grammar and can write a decent amount of stuff given enough time to look up words, despite not knowing much about logic.

I have also dabbled in Lojban, but while I like its sound aesthetically, I do not like its grammar or orthography as much.

Outside of conlangs, some fun facts:

  • I'm a trans catgirl on the Internet (very original, I know).
  • I'm ▯▯ years old.
  • I also speak Mandarin, but since I'm a heritage speaker, I do not speak it that well and my reading/writing skills leave . . . something to be desired. I use Traditional Chinese.
  • On the rare occasion that I need to type in Chinese, I try to use the Array input method, but sometimes it gets difficult because Array being a shape-based input method, I don't know what the character looks like, so I have to do extra research. If I get lazy, I'll just revert to using Zhuyin/Bopomofo.
  • Despite being Gen Z, I generally prefer to leave two spaces between my sentences when I'm writing formally because it makes sentence borders more visible, hence my request to Mazzie to change the CSS to not collapse whitespace: (thanks Mazzie, by the way!!)
  • I hate how HTML collapses whitespace by default. Don't @ me. I'm just salty about it.
  • On forums and such, I generally wrote more formally (unless there is a thread so silly-goofy as to make formal writing absolutely ridiculous). On chat platforms like Discord, the way I type depends on how serious I view the conversation. Light-hearted chatter will generally be in all lowercase, whereas serious discussion will generally be in proper English to avoid as many potential misunderstandings as possible. With that said, I do still sometimes mix it up.
  • Despite being American, I do tend to prefer British spellings because they simply look better to me than the American spelling. I do not, however, use British terms, such as "car park" over "parking lot" unless it's for a joke.
  • I prefer rounded quotation marks "" and '' (same for apostrophes) over straight quotes, so I'm happy that Discourse automatically converts them.

Enough about the way I write.

  • I'm most active in the Viossa and Toaq Discord servers, although I do occasionally show up elsewhere.
  • I played the clarinet when I was younger and I play the piano now. I'm currently working on the first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
  • I can read Cyrillic and have on occasion scared a Ukrainian friend of mine by slowly sounding out the things that they show me.
  • I am indeed a furry and I might be a therian(?). I don't know. The definition is about as clear as [insert something that is completely opaque].
  • I'm known as the tech person in many places . . . even know I'm not that techy. I guess I do mess with Discord bots enough to make people think I'm a wiz.
  • I'm @lunarythia on Discord and @luna.nightfern:catgirl.cloud on Matrix. If you do contact me on either of those platforms, please tell me that you came from CFS, otherwise I might get suspicious of your intentions. On fedi, I'm @[email protected], but if you expect anything interesting, you're in the wrong place. I hardly ever use it. I think I just dislike the format of social media in general.
  • I'm sure there is a typo or grammatical error somewhere in this post. I am too lazy to find any though.

Hii! Wow, is there someone reading this? Yay! Is this good enough for an introduction?


Oh great, and I guess .cooked li needs to be added to the CSS selector too for my bullet points to have double spaces.

wow! very extensive introduction! welcome! :3

Thank you! It’s kinda funny. My original introduction said absolutely nothing because I simply didn’t know what to say. Then I saw everyone else’s self intros and was “inspired” to actually write one, so I did. And then I wrote way more than I expected. :p

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Tıjaı jí súq ꝡeı! Taocho chıe zao jí pó lạ́cha bẹkaı suqbo da.

Tua jí, ꝡä kaı sá shéalaı gu rîe kúna! Ꝡa jaı jí da, haha.

Jaı (kïo ru bu pıaq kı) jí êcı chıaqsho súq haha

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