About the Toaq category

Discussion about Toaq, the artistic loglang by Hoemaı.

What is Toaq?

Toaq is an artlang and a loglang made by Hoemaı, known as solpahi in lojbanist spaces. It is intended to be a simple, naturalistic loglang with aesthetics borrowed from southeast-asian languages. This thread is both for people interested in the technical details of the language, as well as people interested in the language simply because they enjoy it.

Category Rules

  • Treat everyone with respect
  • Try to not derail topic-specific conversations. Everyone is allowed to participate in technical threads, but sometimes it might be best to create a different thread to ask questions
  • Speak only in Toaq in threads marked “no-english-allowed.”
  • Avoid speaking English as much as possible in threads marked “english-discouraged.” These threads may specify some situation under which you can speak English.

Toaq Resources