
Bargirian (Bâırgırou marhî /bæɪ̯rgɪrʊ mɑrχi/) is the native language of the Bargirian species (Bâırgırou ıkkaorpa /bæɪ̯rgɪrʊ ɪqɒrpɑ/), a bioluminescent species of cyan-skinned near-humans from the planet of Bargiria (Bâırgır /bæɪ̯rgɪr/), located at the fringes of the Andromeda Galaxy (Kkalîmôun /qɑlimɤn/). It is a language isolate, and despite being completely alien to the Humans, it is quite compatible with their speech structures, as Bargirians are startlingly similar to Humans and Vordynians.


Bargirian sentences tend to be quite agglutinative, apart from the subject, with a SVO word order. The subject is often separated from the rest of the sentence, which is full of lemmas that are clustered together into long "word" strings. An example statement, "Îala môurjokkwalmîn'anža raowôı." translates as "She let the air out of your wheels last night."
Adjectives tend to go after the noun they are describing.


“Sînû mınakkrôunjogalra kkôuı îa rahûnmôısînûa.”
/siny mɪnɑqʀɤnʝogɑlrɑ qɤɪ̯ iɑ̯ rɑχynmøɪ̯sinyɑ̯/
I is-able-to-eat-glass and it not-hurt-I
I can eat glass and it doesn’t hurt me.

"Îala môurjokkwalmîn'anža raowôı."
/iɑ̯lɑ mɤrɟ͡ʝoqwɑlminɑnʐɑ rɒwøi/
she deflated-your-wheels last-night
She let the air out of/deflated your wheels last night.




Bargirian has, at least in comparison to other languages such as Kentauri, a relatively simple phonology, featuring 11 vowels and 21 consonants. It is also notable for the absence of any sort of /e/ sound, with the closest approximation being the /æı/ sequence, represented as âı.
The following is a list of correspondences between the Bargirian alphabet and the IPA.

  1. A - ɑ
  2. Ao - ɒ
  3. Â - æ
  4. B - b
  5. C - t͡s
  6. Č - t͡ʂ
  7. D - d
  8. F - f
  9. G - g
  10. H - χ ~ ç
  11. I - ɨ ~ ɪ
  12. Î - i
  13. J - j ~ ɟ͡ʝ
  14. K - k
  15. Kk - q
  16. L - ɫ
  17. M - m
  18. N - n
  19. O - o
  20. Ô - ø
  21. Ou - ʊ
  22. Ôu - ɤ
  23. P - p
  24. R - r ~ ʀ
  25. S - s
  26. Š - ʂ
  27. T - t
  28. U - u
  29. Û - y
  30. W - w
  31. Z - z
  32. Ž - ʐ

RULES | WAÎNÔUNRA /wɑi̯nɤnrɑ/

  • The /f/ phoneme is only present in loanwords, and is difficult for Bargirians to pronounce, most will pronounce it as /p/ instead.
  • I is pronounced /ɨ/ in isolation from other vowels, and /ɪ/ when following a vowel.
  • J has two valid pronunciations, /j/ and /ɟ͡ʝ/. The pronunciation of J as /ɟ͡ʝ/ is often more widely accepted by the Bargirians, with the former pronunciation, /j/, often seen as a speech disorder by the populace of Bargiria.
  • H is palatalized to /ç/ when next to the /i/ sound.
  • R is uvularized to /ʀ/ when preceded by the /q/ sound. In all other positions it assumes the /r/ sound.
  • Bargirian stress patterns are irrelevant, with stress falling on whatever syllable the speaker feels comfortable with stressing.
  • Bargirian has a (C)V(V)(C) syllable structure. A syllable such as *kûor is valid, but a syllable like *kaîaon isn't.
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The Sheep and the Horses | Awî îhı Alogouar /ɑwi içɪ ɑlogʊ̯ɑr/

"Awî oraomônawarna čagarôhalogouar, kkôurîar nûorhakkloupîasakna, kkôurîar nôrkınakkjakarmônpa, îhı kkôurîar nôrkınakkgıronmojıraonîmo. Awî marhîabahalogouar: "Karsînûa arnâıkkbısîn, bîrakkgıronmokonussakkalogouar." Alogouar marhîaba: "Kamuôra, awî! Kararpînûa arnâıkkbıpînmôrpînûbîraônhın: Gıronmo, mônjo, rûarmakkîawarnahawî nou šubargîsmalnarôuîalô, îhı awî oraomônawarna." Kamuôrakkhın, awî mogarrnôhargoutîb."
/ɑwi orɒmønɑwɑrnɑ t͡ʂɑgɑrøχɑlogʊ̯ɑr, qɤrjɑr nɥorχɑqʟʊpi̯ɑsɑknɑ, qɤrjɑr nørkɨnɑqɟ͡ʝɑkɑrmønpɑ, içɪ qɤrjɑr nørkɨnɑqgɨronmoɟ͡ʝɪrɒnimo. ɑwi mɑrχiɑbɑχɑlogʊ̯ɑr, kɑrsinyɑ̯ ɑrnæɪ̯qbɨsin, birɑqgɨronmokonusːɑqɑlogʊ̯ɑr. ɑlogʊ̯ɑr mɑrχiɑbɑ, kɑmwørɑ, ɑwi. kɑrɑrpinyɑ̯ ɑrnæɪ̯qbɨpinmørpinybirɑønχɨn, gɨronmo, mønɟ͡ʝo, ryɥɑrmɑqiɑwɑrnɑχɑwi nʊ ʂubɑrgismɑlnɑrɤjɑlø, içɪ ɑwi orɒmønɑwɑrnɑ. kɑmwørɑq͡χɨn, ɑwi mogɑrːnøχɑrgʊtib./
A sheep devoid of wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: “My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses.” The horses said: “Hark, sheep! Our hearts pain us when we see this: A man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself, and the sheep is devoid of wool.” Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.


ÎALWOÎAR, ORDÎNAR ÎHI WÎRAKKMÔNAR /iɑlwojɑr, ordinɑr içɪ wirɑqmønɑr/

-- Pronouns, Numbers and Basic Terms


Singular Dual Plural
1st Person Sînû Gısînû Orsînû
2nd Person Mînû Gımînû Ormînû
3rd Person Îalo (Masc.), Îala (Fem), Îalô (Neuter) Gîalo/a/ô Orîalo/a/ô


  1. Nah /nɑχ/
  2. Kkaîo /qɑi̯ø/
  3. Rôumın /rɤmɨn/
  4. Mûor /myo̯r/
  5. Jaknô /ɟ͡ʝɑknø/
  6. Šoubîn /ʂʊbin/
  7. Lâıra /læɪ̯rɑ/
  8. Galmôn /gɑlmøn/
  9. Akkna /ɑqnɑ/
  10. Rîado /riɑ̯do/
  11. Hınta /χɨntɑ/


  • Salwontî /sɑlwonti/ - Hello
  • Jôuramînûô? /ɟ͡ʝɤrɑminyo̯/ - How are you?
  • Sînûsalwôn, îhı mîn? /sinysɑlwøn, içɪ min/ - I'm good, and you?
  • Kkaîbôlro /qɑi̯bølro/ - Goodbye
  • Koulomîa /kʊlomiɑ̯/ - Farewell
  • Salwontî! /sɑlwonti/ - Cheers!
  • Mînû alâkwanho? /miny ɑlækwɑnχo/ - Who are you?
  • Lâkwansîn /lækwɑnsin/ - I am called/My name is
  • Walhasînûrakkıntorôu mo __? /wɑlχɑsinyrɑqɨntorɤ mo ∅/ - Which way do I go to _?
  • Walhasîn? /wɑlχɑsin/ - Where am I?
  • Rontîamîn /rontiɑ̯min/ - Thank you
  • Mînûrontîro /minyrontiro/ - You’re welcome/No worries
  • Palaonta! /pɑlɒntɑ/ - Help!
  • Îalômîonhî /iɑ̯lømionçi/ - They’re a friend.
    This section requires expansion|Koulommî šuprabakktînrôuhomakk