Chess & other abstract strategy games!

Let’s have a community chess and related games topic! You can freely discuss chess or any abstract strategy games here. Other abstract strategy games include games like Xiangqi and variants, Go, and Mahjong. Similar games are welcome!

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Shamelessly plugging the abstract strategy game that me and a few friends have created over the last couple months: check out Sandpile Panic and download the instruction manual here. Nowhere to play it online yet but you can play it IRL or on tabletop sim using a checkers set…

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I recently played one of my best chess moves ever. I kind of (extremely) freaked out when I found out it was the best move, and the only move that wins.

I’m playing as Black. In this position, it looks like my queen and rook are forked and I would be losing material. After calculating for a couple minutes (and my opponent typing “resign” in chat), I played the BRILLIANT move Rxc3+!!

My opponent took with the king, and after this it’s forced checkmate in 5-6 moves according to Stockfish, but I took a little longer as I wanted to only play checks to be safe.

... 22. Nf3 Rxc3+ 23. Kxc3 Re2+ 24. Kb4 Qe7+ 25. Kb5 a6+ 26. Kxb6 Qb4+ 27. Ka7 Qc5+ 28. Kxb7 Re7+ 29. Kb8 Qc7+ 0-1

My opponent decided to stall out the clock after I typed “resign” after I started playing out my winning sequence.

I’m really proud of this one!!

I’ll edit in the gif of the game when I have decent service on my phone again.


i would try to play you, taso musi Chess la mi ike mute a a a. ni la mi ken ala

Hmm… I’ve been wanting to host a strategy board game website based on Lichess with different games, but it seemed like a lot of work from what I could tell with my research. I also have a board game I’ve been working on with a friend: musi soweli.

GitHub: musi soweli · GitHub
Rules in toki pona (I couldn’t find the English one in my browser history): musi soweli

I too have been looking into what it would take to host an abstract strategy game platform, and I came to the conclusion it’d be just about easiest to roll my own platform. If (when) that happens I can reach back out to ya & get musi soweli posted somewhere people can play it.

I have been playing around with using Prolog-esq syntax for allowing someone to upload a high level description of their abstract strategy game & play it… more to come on that perhaps soon.

musi soweli looks like a lot of fun. I like the idea of objectives & obstacles being placed around the board so its more of a king of the hill type situation.

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The Sajem Tan möm made a game called “Honey War”. It is available for online play here. I also made a paper version for physical play.

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Reminds me of CGPgrey who I believe made a video on hexagonal chess.