For more information, The Complete Dictionary of Guosa Language is avilable as an e-book on the Kindle app (Amazon) for a reasonable price.
is this an African auxlang? looks cool!
Yes, a lingua franca for West Africa designed in the 1960s. Most of the vocabulary comes from Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo.
adze: gizago
hello: (interjection) ridao, alo
homosexual: kushili, omosezua
lime juice: iruyaya laim, ruwa lemo
Besides Facebook, which is the best platform to contact Guosa speakers?
A wiki was created by me and Alex Igbineweka, the language author, whom I contacted on Facebook.
Do you have any advice on learning the tones?
For example, I read in the Dictionary that “ability” is igbaran, and it includes the note “Y(Gu. ton.)”.
How do I interpret this? Does it mean the word comes from Yoruba agbara, and the tones are Guosalized according to certain known patterns?
First I have to say it is such an honour to be able to speak to you here.
Regarding Guosa, I am sorry but all translations where done by Alex Igbineweka, whom you can contact on Facebook (I stopped using that platform and I don’t remember his exact name but there are a few Guosa groups there if I remember correctly). Nevertheless, I recall asking him about the tones because they are not written and he told me that people that learn the language in Nigeria actually do it in a classroom setup with a woman that also speaks the language. They also meet every weekend on Zoom or something similar, I believe.
Fantastic grammar overview in English by Chabi!
I can only put two links per post so these are the other two:
This is the FB group, andI think this is the woman I mentioned before.
Here is the list of articles that the wiki has. Some of them, like this one, have the accents written, but most of them don’t. Take into account that he has an English keyboard so writing accents is quite a painful task.
Help us build a phrasebook for travelling to Nigeria.
sina tawa ma tomo Apusa la sina wile toki e seme tawa jan pona sin? ante toki li kama lon toki Guosa.
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