Jadı! Mı Nhaqpoq jí da.

Hi there! I’m Toni Brown, and this is my intro.

Names & Pronouns

In English, and other European languages, and also in Esperanto, you may refer to me as “Toni”. There is no long form, since I deliberately chose a unisex name. If you want to refer to me using my initials “TB”, add the digit string “148” after it: TB148.

In most conlangs, use whatever word you have for “cat girl”. An exception is toki pona, where my head noun is “soweli” and the name is “Toni”.

My pronouns are “ta/ta’s/ta’s self”, but “they/them” is acceptable. “Ta” comes from Chinese 「他」, if you are curious, (I want to write about Chinese personal pronouns here, but that would be too off-topic)

Natlangs & Conlangs

My native language is Mandarin (cmn), and I am fluent in English (eng).

I have also learned Lojban (jbo), Toaq (qtq) and Toki Pona (tok), but I still need a dictionary for the first two.

I want to learn Japanese in the future, but I haven’t started yet.


I like mathematics (especially combinatorics) and programming a lot. I have participated in Math Olympiad and competitive programming before. (My CodeForces rating is 1900, but I no longer participate there anymore)

Of course, I also like conlanging. I currently have a conlang project called Suhkro, but it has started very recently, so a lot of things haven’t been worked out yet.

A List of Facts

  • 1×2×3×4×5×6×7×6×5×4×3×2×1=10!
  • Turbo the snail can reach the last row in at most three attempts.
  • Heap sort is an unstable sorting algorithm with worst case time complexity O(n log n) that doesn’t require recursion.
  • This is the 3rd item in this list.
  • I’m sorry. The previous item is actually the 11rd.
  • The computer I am using runs Debian 12 (bookworm).
  • I use Rime/中州韻.
  • Iosevka is my favorite font.
  • My favorite color scheme is Catppuccin Mocha.
  • Every item in this list contains a link, and they all link to different domains.

TB148’s Puzzle Challenge!

Send me your hardest math puzzles! If you can make me spend more than 30 minutes on it, you win!


Jadi ! I’m always happy to have more Lojbanists and math nerds here. That is a very fun list of facts. I’m going to have to think of a logic puzzle for you that can be presented without a lot of background. I hope to see your emerging language around. I’m curious what you’ve come up with.

soweli Toni o kama pona a!

Iosevka seems pretty good, although lowercase r being the only letter (as far as i can see) where line width varies makes it just slightly offputting. my sight is drawn to every single r, they call to my eyes in shrill little voices

i checked the customization and it seems like all forms of “r” with a vertical stroke on the left have this problem

however lowercase r is not a problem for me and iosevka solves my problem that full-width 汉字 aren’t exactly twice as large as latin in most fonts, so i’m using iosevka (more specifically sarasa gothic)

Meta-answer to the puzzle challenge, which will hopefully be interesting, despite any specific instance of it being boring: big 3-SAT problem

however, the rules are that you win if you can make me spend 30 min on it. so if i decide not to touch 3-sat problems at all this strategy won’t work

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It took me awhile to notice that factorial

Good one, haha. 0 1 2 3.

Same. What input method? Pinyin? I usually use Zhuyin, but I’m also trying to learn Array.

Very cool. :3

double-pinyin-flypy, or in other words, 小鹤双拼

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In case some people are curious, here is a neofetch:

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psst, you should use hyfetch instead, since neofetch is unmaintained and also hyfetch has pride flags! :)

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ways to write my name in toki pona, sorted from most conventional to least conventional


nasin sitelen kalama pi bitmask lili…


It is actually inspired by nasin sitelen kalama pi linja lili, but i invented circle=skip because it’s much easier to describe my name as “nimi Tonsi pi kalama Sa ala”

Also, the soweli-with-ears was originally a name glyph, but now that I have changed my name from Antepan to Toni, I am thinking about changing my name glyph to an alternative soweli glyph (soweli2?)

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