
The OneDrive link seems inaccessible without an account

Some context for the links might be nice :blush:


it seems that everyone says this but i’m yet to come up with a good solution. maybe 1 day i’ll make a good full kisuwi dictionary on my website. i would upload it here but it’s not in the allowed file type.

Google Drive?

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i’m still curious what the premise of this conlang is. the way the particles work seems interesting.

it’s a conlang created to be as cute as possible, both in spoken and written form.

i don’t wanna use my google drive for that.

I don’t know what content you’re hosting, so I wouldn’t be able to help with finding a good host for it. But I do know a bunch of alternative hosting sites that might be useful depending on what you’re looking for.

oh wait I know this language this is “kisuwi hai awawa” from the tokiponido discord server i moderate

wait that server still exists?

yeah! we still have your channel in the archives
tokiponidos for if you / anyone else wants to join (lawa o let me know if i shouldn’t put this)

It’s fine to post Discord links if they’re relevant to the conversation