so I've been learning how to cook etheopian food from youtube videos. there's a problem though: all of the videos are in amharic, which I don't speak. OH NO!!! whatever shall I do?
turns out, I've been doing fine without knowing the specific terms for things. I can recognize all the spices they use. Well, not the first few recipies I followed, but eventually I started to match names to things. like ajwain is netʃʼ azmutʃ. I think. but basically, just by watching, I've been able to learn how to make berbere from scratch authentically without understanding any of the instructive material.
Good for you, lipamanka.
Thank you!
Why does this matter?
The biggest thing that toki pona has taught me is that you don't actually need language in order to do everything. this has been so freeing. once I realized this, I realized that toki pona, along with all languages, is HYPERcompetent for communication.
that doesn't mean that language doesn't help you cut corners. but if you're looking for a way to say something in toki pona, think about how you could get by without saying anything first.