Qþyn|gài: A Polysynthetic Language

I was browsing the web, and I came across this language.

From a first glance, the language seems to emphasize regularity and expressiveness, being "underspecified by default [but] extremely precise on demand". The language's rich morphology reminds me a bit of Ithkuil. But I don't know much about either Ithkuil or Qþyn|gài, so I don't know how useful that comparison is.

I haven't really read that much about this language yet, but the introduction intrigues me so I'll look into it and see if there are any grammatical features that I really like!


Seems it may share some thinking with Luno Lei.

This is really cool. It looks like this translates to LISP somehow. This is definitely worth a longer read. It has a lot of clicks, but that's not a terrible thing, honestly. (It makes me imagine a loglang where clicks are used to disambiguate grammar in someway, e.g. terminators.)