SELSIMICU, an alien's IAL
selsimicu (selsi + micu, lit. "word smarts") is a semi-naturalistic alien conlang which is intended to tie in to a worldbuilding project of mine :3 in universe, selsimicu is the world language of the selsians (seelsijan), a communal alien race [fig. 1], as well as being spoken by the majority of jazrajoto [fig. 2] through trade.
- just make a language i personally enjoy
- make the language "alien" through semantic quirks, NOT grammatical or phonological.
- characterize the aliens through their language, and the language through the aliens
- make it adaptable to human use by putting yourself in the shoes of the aliens (for story purposes)
- not making it particularly "naturalistic" (this language is just a passion project and frankly making protolangs scares me)
well, you can see for yourself! if the following interests you enough, you can come join the selsimicu discord server, where we talk about (or in) the creatures and their language! also check out the grammar document, updated whenever me or the group has a good idea :P
have any questions? let me know!
this thread will contain translations, discussions and just whatever i feel like sharing with you all! thank you and ñosaiko! zax za'o nitsan!