This is like if the Language Creation Society was cool

Like seriously. No payment required for a membership, no super long walls of text required to interact with anything, everyone is queer, and it genuinely is cozy enough that I feel encouraged to interact with posts. Great job, nano! (and anyone else who put work into making this happen.) 10/10 so far


@zearen also deserves credit for helping out a ton, and the Toaq community for inspiring me :)


awesome! thank you @zearen and the Toaq community!


I’m just here to help out and talk about loglangs :sweat_smile: I’m glad you’re enjoying it !


I feel like you misunderstand what the LCS… is? It’s not trying to be a community where conlangers hang out and share conlangs, it’s an organization


oh I’m a member of the LCS I know what it is. I just don’t like it very much tbfwy

What’s tbfwy? “To be forward with you”?

OHHH is it frank

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What is wrong with it? I haven’t gotten involved with it or with the Workshop, despite them both being fairly well-established.

honestly all my gripes with them are pretty personal. it would have been wise if I didn’t say anything.

Ah! I’ve had similar troubles with Reddit’s unprofessional moderation style.

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I am not a member of LCS, but I read on their website that they provide access to the best conlangers in the world.

Have you found benefit in their members-only mailing list? Who are the experts you get to ask questions to?

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I have been on a mailing list for conlangers like this for years before I joined the LCS fwiw. but I haven’t specifically joined that one; I will try joining it soon and get back to you!