[Toaq] Beginner Questions & Answers

A topic centralizing beginner questions about Toaq.

Note: This post is considered a wiki post, meaning users with a high enough trust level may edit it as if they were a moderator. This allows for frequently asked questions to be added to the original post!


To be written!


Is there a beginner subset of Toaq vocabulary that is only like 200 or 500 words or something?


We have been working on[1] a Toaq beginner course, but I don't think anyone's made a simple vocabulary set or "must-know words" list that is up to date. It's tough to say, especially since we don't really have a lot of works in the current version of Toaq, Toaq Delta. I was making a Memrise for vocabulary, but I decided I don't really like Memrise. I did make a plugin for Anki that allows you to create flashcards quickly from Toadua, the collaborative dictionary for Toaq.

  1. Not really, the project is inactive. I should probably get back to it when I have the energy... ↩︎

Cool, I have a new way to spend an afternoon: creating Toaq flashcards based on https://learnthesewordsfirst.com/. I can assemble something tomorrow or over the weekend, and post the flashcards here.


I looked up dog, and I saw asu, kune, luko. What should I use? Do I have to learn all three?

  • kune is a general canid, so all of dogs. wolves coyotes, etc.
  • asu is specifically a canis famlilarus, or the dog humans typically keep as pets
  • luko is a wolf, or canis lupus specifically.

Eventually all three, but kune is usually fine, probably. I'm also a beginner, so :sweat_smile: One thing to note is that in Toadua it lists the creator of the word. There are certain creators that I trust more than others. Also, upvotes are a rough approximation of community acceptance. I know there's a project to create a canonical dictionary, so that should help.


hi! toaq learner here
my major question is learning more vocab, but it seems like jan Sonja has graciously already asked that question for me!
however, I’ve heard briefly there’s a toaq conculture? where are some good places i could learn more about that?

Introduction — Toaq with Ease a course

Has Hoemaı given interviews?

As far as I know, no.

He does occasionally chime in on the Toaq Discord server, and usually that leads to some clarification about unclear things.

(One motivation for the creation of CFS was to not bury such language-defining things [also including in-depth analyses from other community members] in a walled-garden, company-owned ecosystem.)


Pretty much everything we have so far is documented here: Culture - The Toaq Wiki

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As for the vocab:
For the most used words, there's a frequency list here based on, I believe, the toaq-only channel on the discord. Personally I have chosen to learn grammatical words and shıraku (single-raku words) first, using @tb148 (mí Nhaqpoq)'s anki decks ("short words" for the shıraku), which comes out to 692 words. But I would not say that this is a useful "beginner vocab"! I am doing it this way because the shıraku tend to be used more in compounds, and I decided I would have an easier time memorizing words like "koıtıeq" (walkway) and "taqchao" (automobile) if I first knew "koı" (to ambulate), "tıeq" (path), "taq" (relating to oneself by some property), and "chao" (vehicle).

This sounds like a very good idea!

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Me neither! I would say that they are the "core" vocab instead. There certainly are words that a beginner would like to know but isn't core, such as kune.

By the way, I'm planning to publish the deck generating scripts later.

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