Your final death is when someone says your name for the last time.
translate into whatever conlangs or natlangs you like! be as literal or as poetic as you want.
Your final death is when someone says your name for the last time.
translate into whatever conlangs or natlangs you like! be as literal or as poetic as you want.
Alusa gomio mi munipi gokiat enisaadi, alusa gomasapaa enisaadi.
Last time person mouth word of you, it is last death of you.
alu -sa go- mio mi muni -pi go- kia -t eni -saa -di alu -sa go- ma -sa -paa eni -saa -di
first/last -MORE ABSTRACT- now human mouth -3SG.VERB ABSTRACT- word -ACC Ø 3SG.NOUN -GEN first/last -MORE ABSTRACT- die/live -MORE -3SG.NOUN Ø -3SG.NOUN -GEN
loratep (two translations given):
oska fiuky desa passeom enzoora klakjek tokom izwiku desa wob kajeke passeke fiuka.
oska fiuky desa esom kajeko passeko fiuka enva klakjek tokom izwiku desa.
death ADJ-end 2SG-GEN.SG happen-3SG REL-now some-person say-3SG name-ACC.SG 2SG-GEN.SG during occurence-DAT.SG ADJ-end.
death ADJ-end 2SG-GEN.SG is-3SG occurence-ACC.SG ADJ-end REL-PROX some-person say-3SG name-ACC.SG 2SG-GEN.SG.
once again, the word order can be messed with!!
[edit: replaced neologism with established word meaning the same thing, that i had overlooked]
uta nanpa pini li pana e nimi sina li pini la nasin lon ale pi sina moli li pini.
This one is interesting for eberban i think. How do I express something happening for the last time?
You can use e blu jnihi
to order a list with a measuring relation. You can thus make the list of all events of “you (metaphorically) dying” and “someone says your name”, and says the last item of both lists occurs concurrently.
on e vaun gi be ski sra bai vane va vaun buhe zoli vaun
evaungi = E is physically or metaphorically dying
on ge ba be skin ti jiu va e blu jnihi skinu fa sae bleu tcuhi ski baihe
ge = It is the last occurence ever of A
a sri ge via mo evaungi fi ge spi ezaiman ze mo
At some point in time, your last death occurs concurrently to the last time someone says your name
It’s kinda long to say but part of ge
(speaking about ordered occurences of event) seems useful so we’ll probably add words to the dictionary to say that more quickly. I added it to the dictionary as e blu ski
, which allows to change the second sentence to on ge ba be skin ti jiu blua e blu ski baihe
“Mau’ıllănh ǖrẹnkïab mët’an küeren rrıhıe’nøïh raohın’ıllănh mı rrēŋmọ̈r ǖrẹnkïab.”
/mɒʊ̯ʔɪɭənʱ ʊːrenki̯ɐb məʔɑn kuɜ̯rɜn ɽ͡rɪħɪ̯ɜʔnɒi̯ː rɒʊ̯ħɪnʔɪɭənʱ mɪ ɽ͡rɜ̃ŋmør ʊːrenki̯ɐb./
death-your final is-neuter when says-someone name-your for time final
“Rôkwamînûo galôkkrîa aî môn marhîarakkna lâkwanumînûo go palôumın galôkkrîa.”
/røkʷɑminyo̯ gɑløqʀijɑ ɑi̯ møn mɑrʰiɑ̯rɑqnɑ lækʷɑnuminyo̯ go pɑlɤmɪn gɑløqʀijɑ./
death-your final is when speak-someone name-your for time final
“Nʌëmu üınãn ürrfakțãn sı jōma kåı jjʌ̄ëmı rõțanna üınãn tõı aćhtêema ürrfakțãn.”
/nɒʊ̯mu yi̯nɐn yɽfɑktʼɐn si joːmɑ kɒi̯ ʝɒːʊ̯mi rɤtʼɑɳɑ yi̯nɐn tɤi̯ ɑt͡ʃtiːə̯mɑ yɽfɑktʼɐn./
death your final neuter-is when someone speak-neuter name your for instance final
“Jā́nø̃rb kōłł hẹ̄ŭ’wa ðe jàn wü̋n hèo hẹ̄ŭ’wa də jå̌nö̀ kōłł.”
/jɑːnɤ̃rb˦ koːɮ˧ hɜːʊ̯ʔwɑ˧ ðɛ jɑn˨ wɯn˥ hɵɐ̯˨ hɜːʊ̯ʔwɑ də jɒnø˧˥˩ koːɮ˧./
death final your is when someone utter name your for instance final
“Mânõd hararmôttna î na menrõı rîet manõd hîarambû won telmôttna.”
/mʌnɤd hɑʀɑʀmɒʈnɑ i nɑ mɜnʀɤɪ̯ ʀieʔ mʌnɤd jɑʀɑmbʏ won tɘlmɒʈnɑ./
your death-final is when someone say your name for time-final
kót wàwa:
ken sína li mòl mùt. án li màk-án.
án lòmsína ɲʉ̀t li àl-án gòtnímsína ɲʉ̀t.
roughly-equivalent toki pona:
Doesn’t look like anyone has done Lojban yet so I will try
le romoi nu lo prenu cu cusku lo do cmene cu romoi nunmro do
Literally “The all-th (i.e. last) event of a person saying your name is the all-th (last) event-of-dying of you”
'le Qolmoy 'wo Gun Nun Mols 'we Don xu Qolmoy 'lo Gun Nun nu Xus 'le Xem 'wo Don
ABS Last OBL.LINK Set Event Die ABS.LINK 2 PRED Last OBL Set Event λ Say ABS Name OBL.LINK 2
It might be a little better if I switched the clauses, and that lambda isn’t strictly necessary, but this is still correct.
snvsdr dhv:
jv mō spv́srf ekspv́srf fē zyvf no a zekvf fv̄ zomvfsyvdkhr efjv.
poki pona:
moli sijoki pinoki linijon: jani litok nime sijoke tenpono pinijokono.
Theavenev Antitemp:
Male sin pinnel lanne yanne thay nime sin lan thoaf fine.