Category for your own conlangs or conlangs in active development.
Create your conlang here! This category is for designing new conlangs and conlangs under active development. Feel free to start a thread here even if you have a more developed language that was started elsewhere. Generally, the first post about a language should be from the creator(s) of the language itself, but feel free to start new threads with comments on, questions about, and creations using any existing language (and be sure to @
mention the creator if you aren’t them)!
You should tag your language as at least one of of the language type tags (e.g. artistic, engineered, logical, auxilary). All the tags are listed under the tags listing. If your language grows to more than one thread, consider requesting a workshop language tag in the in the language request topic in Meta.
Category Rules
- Keep each thread about the particular language under discussion per thread. You can bring up design decisions from other languages, but only as the pertain to the current topic.
- Ask first if a project creator is looking for criticism before giving it. It may be unwanted if the project has personal significance to the creator.
- Criticism of projects or languages must be constructive. Understand the power of your words.
- There is no one proper way to design a language. A given creator might make different design decisions from you for personal, aesthetic, and philosophical differences, and that’s OK!