About the Other category

A general category for discussing other established or developed conlangs.

This is for discussing other established conlangs, i.e. conlangs that have relatively stable refgram and lexicon. For example, Klingon, Na’vi, Vötgil, Fith, and that one naming language from your favorite YA novel belong here. For new languages or languages under active development, consider Conlanging. Feel free to make more than one thread about the same language.

A language tag is required for every topic. You may request new language tags and categories in the language request topic in Meta. You can find a list of all the tags in the tags listing.

Category Rules

  • If a conlang already has its own category, use that category instead.
  • If a thread is tagged with a certain language, keep conversation about that language.
  • This isn’t a space for language bashing. Even if the author of the language isn’t here, please keep criticism respectful and constructive.