Updates for 2024-10-05

I rebuilt the forum and did other stuff! Here’s some updates:

Cool thing: Groups

You can now join various fun groups at the group page!
Right now, we have three new groups you can join: Toki Pona speakers, Toaq speakers, and Lojban speakers. These are just vanity groups that also can be mentioned/pinged in posts or messaged directly by the respective category moderators.
I might add more groups in the future for fun stuff!

Important fixes

  • Passkeys are now functional. You can use a passkey to log in! You can use a physical key, your phone, your password manager, or your computer (like Windows) instead of your password when logging in. It’s more secure than a password!
  • I added some custom CSS to satisfy a request from @luna. It hopefully fixes whitespace issues in posts.
  • Internal SSL should be working now and HTTPS is forced across the website. This was mostly a headache for me.

Staff changes

@zearen has been promoted to an admin and we’re working to bring the bus factor to two rather than just one (me). Thanks to Zearen to being amazing!


  • Badges have been disabled. I didn’t really like the gamification by default it was encouraging because I think it’s kind of dishonest. If I was to bring it back, I’d use it for different purposes.

ni li ante pona a! pona tawa sina!

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Kıjı, hóı mázı rú hóı Zéareq!
Sụgı súna ꝡeı!!

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Thank you Nano!!

By the way, I’m able to create a passkey on my phone now, but when I go to log in, my phone says that there aren’t any passkeys for this website.

Is anyone else experiencing this (on Android 14)?

I’m glad I’ve been able to help ! I hope we can continue to keep this server running well. Thanks for all the work you’ve done debugging the forum software @mazzie ! The space feels much more customized and cozy.

Works perfectly for me on Android 13… I don’t know what’s wrong.

I figured it out. For some reason it works when I use Chrome.

So I can make the passkey in Chrome, then use it in Firefox, but I can’t create it in Firefox :thinking:

Edit: This looks similar to my situation. So it’s probably not the fault of the forum, but smth with Firefox itself.
1870436 - Degraded passkey support :

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